Informal Science Seminar and Youth Concert: Summary and Report 40th Anniversary of Wounded Knee 1973 Liberation Day. February 27 2013 Annual 4 Directions Walk to Wounded Knee commemorating Liberation Day: February 27, 1973. Mato Najin of Indigenous performs Tuesday night. Michael Bucher Margo Thunderbird, Shinnecock Nation of New York. Milo Yellowhair and Dennis Banks, Concert MCs Tuesday, February 26, 2013. Porcupine SD: “Empowering the Youth of the Lakota Nation,” was the theme for an Informal Science Seminar and Concert that took place Tuesday February 26th, 2013. Over 300 people gathered in the community of Porcupine, SD to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Wounded Knee 1973. It was a day to look forward from the outcomes of the Wounded Knee Occupation that took place in 1973. 40 years after the occupation the Lakota Oyate and Indigenous Nations from across the North American Continent as well as Europe gathered to ...

Founded Fall 1995 The Lakota Student Alliance is an alliance of grassroots Indigenous peoples and Students of the Lakota Nation whose mission is to advocate, sponsor, promote and encourage public awareness education among grassroots Indigenous people in the struggle toward Sovereignty and Independence.