By Barbara Soderlin Journal staff | Posted: Saturday, May 15, 2010 Rapid City Journal Charmaine White Face, known as an environmental and Native American activist, organized a protest Friday that was more personal than usual. Her son, Marc Wisecarver, 40, has been incarcerated for more than 15 months. Now, he is being held in Pennington County Jail, awaiting trial Tuesday on charges of depredation of government property. She said he is being held unlawfully and that the charges should not have been filed. The charges stem from an April 29, 2008, incident in which a Bureau of Indian Affairs soil conservationist drove a government pickup truck onto Wisecarver's land near Manderson on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. After an argument, in which Wisecarver told the agent to leave his property, Wisecarver fired a rifle round into the grille of the truck, because he heard the agent rev the engine and was afraid he would be run over, he testified in a January 2009 federal court trial presid...

Founded Fall 1995 The Lakota Student Alliance is an alliance of grassroots Indigenous peoples and Students of the Lakota Nation whose mission is to advocate, sponsor, promote and encourage public awareness education among grassroots Indigenous people in the struggle toward Sovereignty and Independence.